Providing women with information on their clinical condition and treatment options enables them to make informed decisions about their care.

I work closely with an experienced team of professionals across public and private hospitals. From the medical and allied health professionals through to the ward staff and hospital operating theatre team, we work together to support you through your treatment plan and recovery process.

One of the core principles of my practice is keeping my patients well informed and ensuring that they receive the information and resources required.

Women’s Health Resources

Please refer to any of the links below to assist with any questions you might have regarding your condition, investigations and or treatment. This will allow you to familiarise yourself with some basic information and we will discuss in detail at your consultation.

Consultation Information

What you should bring to your first consultation:

To ensure we can help you without any delay, it is important that you bring as much information as possible about your condition and previous visits to other specialists with you to your first visit.

Please review our appointment document checklist below. 

Referral letter from your GP or other specialist

Medicare card, DVA card, Pension Card

Private Hospital Insurance Information

Blood and urine results

Copies of all relevant test results - i.e. Ultrasounds, X-Rays, MRIs, CT and PET Scans

A list of medications and allergies


The fees charged for consultation, urodynamic studies and surgery are in accordance to recommendations by the Australian Medical Association.

Fees for consultation are paid at your visit. My secretaries are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding fees.

We accept cash, EFTPOS, debit and credit cards.

Cancellation of appointments:

My secretaries will call you to confirm your visit 24 to 48 hours prior to your appointment. If you cannot make your appointment, we would be extremely grateful if you could let us know so that we can offer it to someone else on our waiting list.

If it is an after-hours emergency please go straight to your nearest Accident and Emergency department and the team there will contact me.